An endurance multisport race consists of swimming, cycling, and running over various distances. It’s a competition for the fastest overall completion time, racing each segment sequentially with the time transitioning between the disciplines included.
Training focuses on achieving endurance, strength, and speed. It requires focused, persistent, and periodized training for each of the three disciplines, as well as combination workouts and general strength conditioning.
There are three components that have been researched to improve endurance sports performance: aerobic capacity, lactate threshold, and injuries that are incurred from long hours of a single activity are not as common in multi-sport training as they are in single-sport events. The cross-training effect that the trainees achieve from training for one sport by doing a second activity applies to multi-sport training. Additional activities that the trainees perform for cross-training benefits are yoga, Pilates, and weight training.
The amazing thing about this type of training is that you will get the advantages and benefits of training in each of the three sports, gaining all the physical and technical improvements from each one. In addition, the spirit of competition and striving for a goal makes the training full of enthusiasm and perseverance. The connection of performance to time and distance makes it more motivating.
Transitioning from one sport to another to achieve a certain time makes it feel like you are in a real competition. This will push you to endure pain to reach your goals and achieve your physical objectives.
An endurance multisport race consists of swimming, cycling, and running over various distances. It’s a competition for the fastest overall completion time, racing each segment sequentially with the time transitioning between the disciplines included.
Training focuses on achieving endurance, strength, and speed. It requires persistent and periodized training for each of the three disciplines, along with combination workouts and general strength conditioning.
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